Silent Auction Donations

Donate to the Guild’s biggest fundraiser of the year!

It’s that time again to grab your box of tools and neat stuff to drop off for our annual Silent Auction! The Silent Auction takes place at the Symposium and is the main fundraising event for the Seattle Metals Guild, funding artists grants, events, and the Symposium itself. Each year the auction raises thousands of dollars during this exciting event!

The auction provides a great opportunity to pass on all the old tools and cool stuff you’ve been meaning to do something with. Pass that stuff on to someone who will put it to good use, and raise some funds for the guild at the same time!

Share your donation of (new or used) tools, stones, equipment, materials, jewelry, and objects that you think are great and jewelry-related. We are looking for really cool things that jewelers, artists and metalsmiths would totally get into arm wrestling fights and bidding wars over that would mean little to most “normal” people!

Please note: We do not want items like magazines, and unrelated books or materials.


Each donated item must include:

  1. Donor’s name

  2. A title, and description of the item, including artist’s name, materials, etc. if handmade

  3. Fair market value

Drop off locations and hours:

Baleen Store in Ballard
6418 20th Ave NW Seattle 98107
Hand carry-size items or packages only please
Every day, Store hours between 10-5pm


Baleen Studio in Greenlake
7301 Linden Av N Seattle
Look for the SMG Symposium signs in the window,
Directly on the NW corner of Linden, Winona, and N 73rd

Monday through Friday 10-5 pm for drop off any items, OR
After hours drop: in the mail slot, (mail slot-size items only)


Stenhouse Studio, in Ballard
Curbside drop off of donations by appointment only
Email to coordinate

Please contact Jennifer Stenhouse with any questions:
Re:“Attention Silent Auction” to

Thank you!

Jennifer Stenhouse, Silent Auction Volunteer Coordinator